Minnesota’s Native Plant Communities
Minnesota’s native plant communities have been extensively described and classified.
Minnesota’s Native Vegetation: A Key to Natural Communities (1993)
Pre-settlement vegetation (Marschner Map)
Ever wonder what the vegetation was like prior to settlement by Europeans? Francis J. Marschner created a map based on the 200 volumes of hand-written notes from the Public Land Survey (1847-1907). Read more about the monumental feat in the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer. In addition, we have created maps by county of the original vegetation for Northern Minnesota.
Minnesota’s Ecosystems
Additional information on specific ecosystems is available from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and others.
Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin
Minnesota’s Ecological Classification System
Minnesota’s Ecological Classification System classifies ecosystems based on the three continental biomes present in the state — pretty impressive considering there are fewer than a dozen biomes in North America.
Northern Tallgrass Prairie Habitat Preservation Area (HPA)
Preserving Tallgrass Prairie Remnants
TNC Preserves in Minnesota cover several habitats
Minnesota’s Land Use and Cover
The Land Management Information Center has the entire state classified into major land use categories (Urban, Cultivated Land, Forested, etc.). Ever wonder if Minnesota has more forests or cultivated land? Find out here! Also available are detailed maps of each county.
Minnesota’s Trees
UMN Extension Service
Minnesota’s Shrubs and Vines
UMN Extension Service